Wednesday, February 13, 2013


So we have made it to the half way point!!  I can't believe how fast the term has already gone.  Here's what we did last week and what to prepare for this week.

Jr. Choir - We are really trying to learn the rap part of "Never say Never".  Please continue to have your children practice and learn it the best they can.  We are also still learning stand by me.  We only have a 1 1/2  months left for the recital.  

This week: We will be learning a new song.  So please make sure you come wide awake ready to learn.   Don't forget to bring a bottle of water.

Sr. Choir - We have been going over  a few songs: Oath, I'm not afraid, What I've done and missing you.  The missing you has caused some of the kids to be very emotional. I had the class vote last week if they wanted to continue singing the song or if they would like to try another one.  They all voted to sing the song.  We are getting better at learning how to sing with emotion and I commend them for learning how to overcome there tears and sing through it, this is really teaching them how music is a huge part of our life and how you can learn to cope and get through moments through singing/rapping.  

This week: We will be learning a new song and narrowing down solo parts.  Please come ready to learn and listen and don't forget a bottle of water.  Also every child needs to come ready to sing a solo of a chorus of a song.  Try to pick something you have never sang before.  Challenge yourself.

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